venerdì 27 gennaio 2017

Disponibile le note preliminari per IBM Domino e IBM Notes 9.0.1 feature pack 8

Con l'avvento della versione 8, i fixpack vanno in pensione sostituiti dal feature pack perché come già spiegato in passato ora introdurranno anche nuove funzionalità in modo più marcato in confronto al passato.

Oggi IBM ha pubblicato un anticipazione di quanto sarà a breve disponibile per Domino e Notes in questa pagina:

Il feature pack andrà a rendere obsolete le seguenti hotfix

  • Notes: 9.0.1 FP7, 9.0.1 FP7IF1, 9.0.1 FP7IF2
  • Domino: 9.0.1 FP7, 9.0.1 FP7IF1, , 9.0.1 FP7IF2
  • iNotes 9.0.1 FP7, 9.0.1 FP7IF1, 9.0.1 FP7IF2, 9.0.1 FP7IF3

Fra le varie cose da notare :

  • NBP replaced with ICAA - There is no NBP (Notes Browser Plugin) shipped with 9.0.1 FP8. This has been replaced with ICAA (IBM Client Application Access). For more information, see IBM Client Application Access V1.0.1 documentation
  • Notes Client on Linux - There is no Notes client for Linux shipped with 9.0.1 FP8. This client platform has been discontinued and customers are encouraged to move to Windows or Mac.
  • Domino Server on Linux32 and AIX32 - There is no Domino Server for Linux32 and AIX32 shipped with 9.0.1 FP8. This server platform has been discontinued and customers are encouraged to move to the 64-bit platforms. Windows 32 bit remains a shipped and support platform.
  • Windows Server 2016 Support - (SPR #SVROAEPS4R)

quindi benvenuto Windows Server 2016, salutiamo il client linux che ci abbandona 

Fra le nuove funzionalità di domino, arriva la possibilità di spostare le viste fuori dai db NSF che comporta ottime possibilità di incrementi performance, arriva Java 1.8 per la gioia dei Developers e il supporto ad ADFS 3.0 .

1) Optionally Move Views outside of NSF  for Increased data store in NSF. 
This feature is useful for large databases and provides the following benefits:
- A smaller database file size, to avoid reaching the 64GB limitation.
- Faster database backup and restore.
- Better performance by allowing concurrent access to database and views.

2) Java Upgrade to 1.8. 
The Java run time environment provided with Domino has been upgraded to Java JRE version 1.8 to provide you with access to the latest features. 

3) Optionally Increase Document Summary Data (SPR #AKNX64TLRS APARID: LO04193)
You can increase the document summary data limit on Notes 9 databases to 16MB from 64K. (The size limit for a single field remains 32 K.)

4) Add support for ADFS 3.0 and update the corresponding Cookbook instructions for configuration.

per quanto riguarda le nuove funzionalità di Notes FP8 e le fix introdotte vi invito a leggere la nota completa.

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