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Questo l'elenco delle fix introdotte in aggiunta alla
APAR # | Abstract |
LO85584 | Explicit commit is not needed for database select statements. |
LO86339 | Warning may be displayed for redirect to SSL setting that is not in effect. |
LO86341 | Add covering index to improve performance of update queries. |
LO86366 | User may stop syncing after migration to HA environment AND change mail template. |
LO86445 | Traveler syncs attachments in very small chunks causing mail delays and possible server crash. |
LO86448 | Enable Calendar ghosting for ActiveSync devices when running on Domino 8.5.3 server. |
LO86466 | Get Error 400 trying to read encrypted e-mail on Companion app for Apple devices. |
LO86496 | Server crash on buffer over run error if log message is too long. |
LO86500 | Shake to undo folder move in native Apple mail client may not be reflected on server. |
LO86516 | PDF attachment not viewable if missing pdf extension. |
LO86521 | Principal field is blank on draft e-mail created by IBM Verse mobile client. |
LO86530 | Unnecessary error logging e-mails with attachments with no file name. |
LO86562 | Individually delete all instances of repeating meeting in IBM Verse mobile client will not delete all entries from server copy. |
LO86610 | Threaded e-mail move to folder not shown in new folder in IBM Verse client. |
In questo rilascio non viene nominato il supporto ad Android 6.0 che è appena stato rilasciato da Google che verrà sicuramente incluso a breve , magari da un rilascio della nuova versione di IBM Verse su Play Store.
La versione che trovate su Fixcentral è un aggiornamento, la versione completa verrà rilasciata su Partnerworld e Passport a partire dal 14 Ottobre con i seguenti partnumber
Windows | CN78DML |
Linux | CN78EML |
IBM i | CN78FML |
Il partnumber per linux è stato modificato