Martedi 16 Giugno un nuovo webinar di Teamstudio da non perdere!
Scott Vrusho, Dave Kern, Kevin Lynch e Scott Souder parleranno delle future novità di Domino,Notes, Security e IBM Verse.
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Domino and Notes Directions with Scott Vrusho - Learn the future directions of the Notes and iNotes client, and the Domino server.
Domino Security with Dave Kern and Kevin Lynch
- Learn how the recent changes to the Domino server have enabled Domino
to be a very secure platform and learn what you should do to make sure
your Domino servers are using the latest security enhancements.
IBM Verse with Scott Souder
- Scott will review what IBM Verse is and where it is going. Then hold
onto your seat as Scott shows you why Verse is the new way to work!
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