iNotes Web Access
- SPR# VSHA8AZVL4 (LO66100) - Fixed a Notes client crash that could occur closing a database
- SPR# VSHA8B2R79 (LO61397) - Fixes potential hang on launch of an attachment
- +SPR# PCHE89APJV (LO54770) - Fixed a problem where the view pane shrunk after multiple opens. This regression was introduced in 8.5.2.
- SPR# RHAN8CVS32 (LO57550) - Notes client crash trying to delete message after error "ILLEGAL DELETE"
- SPR# ADC8RLQCG - Fixes Notes client hang in print dialog
- +SPR# RRAL8M5MGS (LO66747) - Fixed an issue which occurred when sending a confirmation of an Event Announcement to a group that contains duplicate subgroups. The message would not be sent after receiving the following error: "An error occurred while saving: Document has invalid structure". (technote 1600390)
- SPR# ADC8QQA8M (LO68639) - Fixes Notes crash with Unknown Error in process Unknown and function ListMergeList.
- +SPR# BHUY8MZJR8 (LO64992) - Fixes issue where the navigator pane is opening very small when the "Auto adjust panes at runtime" flag on the navigator properties is set.
- SPR# MOBN6ZKLBH (LO40207) - Fixes issue where synching contacts does not fail over to any other replicas.(technote 1579082)
- SPR# PJOK8NNSSX - Fixes issue where Notes client interactions are being terminated as the result of a roaming upgrade check on the UI thread
- SPR# PACY8M6HN6 (LO64338) - Fixes issue where contact synchronization can delete mails from different databases having different replica IDs. (technote 1596479)
- SPR# TMDS8MQMPY (LO64760) - Fixes issue using XenApp Active Directory and setting Time Zone Redirection via Group Policy Object editor whereby the Lotus Notes calendar shows incorrect start and end times. (technote 1584369)
- SPR# TITH8LNG8F (LO63791) - Fixed an Domino server HTTP crash on an iNotes request. (technote 1579496)
- +SPR# TPON8N7DKT (LO65112) - Fixes issue where return receipt does not include the return receipt body when disclaimers are enabled. (technote 1586180)
- SPR# MHAR842JGR (LO65881) - Fixes a Domino server crash with error:: Process C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe (3224/0xC98) has terminated abnormally
- SPR# ATHS7BCW5L (LO64918) - Fixed a Domino server crash in OSUnlockSem trying to release memory for Sem which was indirectly deleted by another thread
- +SPR# JPMS8NLJQQ (LO65446) - Fixes a Domino server crash on CollectSuperBlock. (technote 1594703)
- SPR# PHEY8KRJJ7 (LO63073) - Fixes Domino server CPU spike to 100% and shutdown hang when Platform Statistics are enabled. (technote 1584409)
- +SPR# SODY8RBKY6 (LO67196) - Fixes issue where CKEditor in XPages does not work correctly if there are two rich text editors on the page
- SPR# DSAN8NUV5S (LO65640) - Fixes Domino server crash in Adminp task when registering people
- SPR# YVEN87MQUH (LO69091) - Fixes Domino server with Traveler crash on HTML conversion
- SPR# ADC8PJPRD - Fixes Domino server crash in senddiag with Unknown Error
iNotes Web Access
- +SPR# MLEY8P2LQC (LO65714) - Fixes issue where the Out Of Office message in the body of the out of office mail is incorrect in German iNotes.
- +SPR# MYAA8NNBFD (LO65509) - Fixes JavaScript error when user uses Ctrl+A to select all contents in rich text editor followed by hitting the Enter key. (technote 1586423)
- SPR# PTHN87DRAA (LO65919) - Fixed an issue surrounding an expired token that would lead to hundreds of duplicate requests '/iNotes/Proxy/?OpenDocument&Form=l_CommonPollJSON&PresetFields=FolderName;($Alarms),DBQuotaInfo/'. Server console reports: "ERROR: when decoding LtpaToken [Single Sign-On token is expired]."
- SPR# PTHN8QUSVP (LO69886) - Addressed security issue CVE ID: CVE-2012-2175. Prior to the fix, it is possible for an attacker to compromise the DWA85W ActiveX control used within Lotus iNotes to remotely execute arbitrary code by instantiating this control from Microsoft Internet Explorer. This was also addressed in iNotes 8.5.3 Fix Pack 1 Interim Fix 1. (technote 1596862)
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